A Life of Service, Leadership, and Nightmares

by Charles U. Daly
(Co-authored by
Charlie Daly)

“This is the kind of book I love—a true-life memoir of a man who lived (and is still living) a multi-dimensional life of war, love, family, and service … and who writes about it like a bandit. When I finished the book, I couldn’t help asking myself on behalf of our country, ‘Where are the men like Charles Daly NOW?’ I love books like Mr. Daly’s because they give us a model to aspire to. And they’re tremendous fun to read. His story and the fluent, hold-nothing-back style he uses to tell it, stand with the best of the best.
Semper Fi!”

Steven Pressfield, 
Bestselling Author of Gates of Fire 
and The War of Art

Featured on Jocko Podcast.